セコブマメゾウムシ2種の生態的性質の比較 : 1.密度に対する適応性
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Features of the adaptablity to the density was compared for two species of bean weevils, C. chinensis L. and C. rhodesianus Pic (Species name is not yet verified by taxonomist). Why the types of reproduction curve are different for these two species was analyzed experimentally (Utida 1959a). The experiment was conducted under the condition of 30℃, 75 per cent R.H. and the 16hr. photo-period of illumination. Numbers of deposited eggs per bean and numbers of hatched eggs per bean were counted at two weeks after the introduction of the adults. The numbers of adults emerged from a single bean was also counted after all the adults died. The rise in mortality towards low densities was particularly remarkable in C. rhodesianus than in C. chinensis at any life stages. Though the single larva of C. chinensis can develope in a bean, that of C. rhodesianus was subjected to high mortality at such situation and the best survival rate was obtained at the density of more than 4 larvae per bean. In the low densities the adult of C. chinensis could still mate, but that of C. rhodesianus seemed to mate with difficulty. Therefore, the percentage of un-fertilized eggs in C. rhodesianus increased in low densities. On the other hand, in C. chinensis the death by the trampling was more important. Random-distribution of the egg was observed at a higher density in C. chinensis has ability to distinguish beans on which the eggs were deposited and undeposited than that of C. rhodesianus. This difference gave some effects on the distribution of the leavae hatched from a bean. Though the relation between the adult density and the number of deposited eggs per bean was almost the same for both species through the whole range of parent densities, the relation of the adult density to the numeber of hatched eggs per bean was different for both species. These facts seem to give an explanation why the population growth is slower in C. rhodesianus than in C. chinensis. It was shown that the heighest number of adults which is able to emerge from a bean is limited by the size of bean. Number of adults was regulated by the larval density in each bean. When number of hatched eggs per bean was 9,number of adults emerged from a bean became to be at certain level which is limited by the size of bean. When number of hatched eggs exceeded 9 per bean, number of adults emerged per bean did not increase in C. rhodesianus but continued to increase in C. chinensis. On the basis of these assumptions, the processes responsible to the difference in types of reproduction curves were discussed. The results mentioned above suggest that C. chinensis is opposite in many aspects of its ecology to C. rhodesianus. Significance of adaptation in ecological characters in the natural regulation of animal numbers was discussed briefly in relation to Lack's associated adaptation(Lack 1965).
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1967-04-01
- コガタアカイエカ Culex tritaeniorhynchus Giles の個体数が吸血率に及ぼす影響とその日本脳炎流行との関連について
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- 大阪府における日本脳炎(日脳)の生態学的研究 : 5. 環境条件とコガタアカイエカの発生量, 及び日脳ウイルス分離成績
- 大阪府における日本脳炎の生態学的研究 : 4. 日本脳炎患者数とコガタアカイエカの発生量に及ぼす気象条件の影響, 特に近年の低流行に関連して
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- 大阪府における日本脳炎の生態学的研究 : 2. 患者数との関係におけるコガタアカイエカの発生消長に対する日本脳炎ウイルス感染蚊の出現時期の早晩と蚊の発生量(1967-1986年)
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- 24 コガタアカイエカ幼虫の殺虫剤感受性について
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- 大阪府における越冬蚊の生態, とくにコガタアカイエカの越冬に関する研究 : 1. ドライアイストラップとエマージェンストラップによる採集成績
- 3 大阪府におけるコガタアカイエカ発生数の年次変動と日本脳炎ウイルス保有状況について
- 2 生駒山頂における蚊の採集成績, 特にコガタアカイエカの生理的年齢について
- 72 野外におけるコガタアカイエカの生存率の推定 : 2. 牛舍に集まる蚊個体群の大きさと〓産蚊率との関係
- 71 野外におけるコガタアカイエカの生存率の推定 : 1. Gonotrophic cycle について
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- 9 Culex vishnui の分布北限に関する一考察
- 22 アカイエカの産卵選択実験
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- 80 卵舟あるいは幼虫により条件づけられた水がアカイエカとチカイエカの産卵に及ぼす影響
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