ニューカマー受け入れ校における学校文化「境界枠」の変容 : 公立中学校日本語教師のストラテジーに注目して
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The aim of this paper is to describe the moment when Japanese school culture changes by accepting" newcomer" children, from the point of view of the politics of "borders." The paper is based on observational data obtained in a Japanese class in a particular junior high school. The author focuses on the "border strategies" which a Japanese teacher worked out in order to position herself within the school or classroom, and explores the possibility that they changed the Japanese school. There exist various given "borders" within the Japanese school. Teachers often cope with newcomer children by depending on these given "borders." This can appear in a variety of forms, such as "marginalizing" the special Japanese class and Japanese teacher, "institutionalizing" the relationship with newcomer children, and permitting deviant behavior by newcomer children. All of these contribute toward maintaining the existing school culture. While teachers who teach Japanese in special Japanese classes for foreign children also often use the given "borders" to cope with newcomer children, they find themselves confronted with the contradiction that they themselves are marginalized by these same "borders." This experience can prompt them to reconsider the existing "borders" which they have depended on. The Japanese teacher whose experience is described in this paper positioned herself anew as a "mediator" able to provide a place where different "borders" crossed one another, by becoming aware through the experience of conflict that she did not fit any of the existing "borders" in the school culture. It gave her the chance to try to create a site for overcoming the given "borders" of the school culture within the Japanese class and in her relationship with other teachers.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 2001-10-10
- 課題研究報告 教育とグローバリゼーション(2)移民・言語・政策
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- 2.ニューカマーをめぐる教育研究の分析視点を問い直す : 移動の教育社会学に向けて(II-8部会 ニューカマー,研究発表II)
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- 教員研修留学とチューター役割(研究発表IV IV-4部会 異文化と教育(3))
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- 日系ブラジル人の教育戦略 : 出稼ぎと永住のはざまで(IV-4部会 異文化と教育(2))
- 若者論のなかの「遊び」 (特集 遊びと人間発達)
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- 3.ニューカマー生徒の就学を支える諸要因 : 国際教室をめぐる資源の編み直しに注目して(I-9部会 多文化教育,研究発表I)
- 「当事者になっていく」ということ(後編)
- 「当事者になっていく」ということ(前編)
- 2.「当事者になっていく」ということ(III-9部会 ニューカマーと教育,研究発表III,日本教育社会学会第58回大会)
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- 教員研修留学とチューター役割
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- リテラシーの多元的アプローチ
- 佐久間孝正著, 『外国人の子どもの不就学 異文化に開かれた教育とは』, 勁草書房刊, 2006年9月発行, 四六判, 283頁, 本体価格2,400円
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- 4. デカセギと青年期(IV-9部会 【一般部会】文化と教育,研究発表IV,一般研究報告)
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