- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper seeks to trace the teacher education system since the Meiji era in Japan and clarify the characteristics and pressing problems of present-day teacher education in Japanese higher education. Teacher edutation for elementary school teachers at the higher education level began in 1943, when "The Law for Normal Schools and Higher Normal Schools Amendment" was enacted. It was, however, only implemented after the Second World War under the newly legislated education laws. The idea of teacher education in the postwar period consists of the following three princibles : "teacher education at the university", "the open system of teacher education" and "an emphasis on in-service teacher training". The first principle means that, as a rule, all candidates for the teaching profession are trained in four-year (new-system) universities. The second means that students, both at teachers' colleges and at other general higher educational institutions could obtain teacher's licences, if they obtain the required basic qualifications and credits. The final principle has been emphasized especially after the 1970s. The first two principles have been steadily realized in the Japanese teacher education system in the past forty years. Among full-time teachers at the upper secondary level and below, the proportion of university graduates in 1983 stood at 79.4% in senior high schools, 74.5% in junior high schools, 58.0% in elementary schools, and 9.1% in kindergartens. 78.3% of teachers in kindergartens graduated from junior colleges. We also see that the proportion of non-teachers' college graduates among the full-time teaching staff who entered into those schools in 1987 was 57.3% (four-year non-teachers' college graduates 27.8%, junior college graduates 29.5%). At the same time, however, some pressing problems have arisen. They are (1) the relative degradation in social status of the teaching profession among modern occupations, (2) the difficulty of keeping the balance of supply and demand, (3) the failure to establish a systematic teacher education curriculum in higher education, and (4) related problems such as lower standards of programs compared to those of other professional education. What is needed now for teacher education reform is the development of an educational theory which synthesizes both pre-service and in-service teacher training processes in a broader perspective, making it possible to reconstitute the roles and functions of higher education in teacher education.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 1988-10-03
- 過密地域における高等学校の適正規模に関する総合的研究(一般研究 II・2部会 高校教育)
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- 3.大学教授職の変容に関する研究(2) : 日・米・独の比較(I-5部会 高等教育,研究発表I)
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- 6I8 大学教員の職能開発の検討 : オランダにおけるシニア教員を対象とした職能開発を参考として((一般研究6)高等教育/生涯学習,教育の原点に光を当てる〜乱流の中の本流を見出す〜)
- 5K5 実践的FDプログラムの開発 : 新任教員対象実践的FDプログラムモデルの展開と評価((課題研究5)高等教育の改革と評価,教育の原点に光を当てる〜乱流の中の本流を見出す〜)
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- 283 キャリア形成と教育効果に関する計量的研究 : アメリカ合衆国高校生将来調査の分析を中心に(II-8部会 教育と進路(2))
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- 154 高校卒業後のキャリアパターンとキャリア形成に関する計量的研究 : 米国1980年ハイスクール・シニアの分析(I-5部会 高校生の進路)
- 江淵一公[編著], 「トランスカルチュラリズムの研究」, A5判, 556頁, 本体8,800円, 明石書店
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- 討論のまとめ(大学における「授業」をどう構築するか)
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- 大学教授職の国際比較 : カーネギー国際調査の分析(IV-3部会 大学と研究者)
- 佐久間孝正著『イギリスの多文化・多民族教育 : アジア系外国人労働者の生活・文化・宗教』
- 喜多村和之 著, 『大学評価とはなにか : アクレディテーションの理論と実際』, A5判, 175頁, 1700円, 東信堂
- 大学教授職国際調査〔1992年〕の中間報告(III-5部会 高等教育(2))
- 天野郁夫編「学歴主義の社会史 : 丹波篠山にみる近代教育と生活世界」
- 高等教育における教師教育の位置
- 喜多村和之著, 『高等教育の比較的考察 : 大学制度と中等後教育のシステム化』, A5判 266頁, 3500円, 玉川大学出版部
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- 馬越徹[編], 『アジア・オセアニアの高等教育』, A5判, 261頁, 本体4,500円, 玉川大学出版部, 2004年9月刊
- 高野篤子著, 『アメリカ大学管理運営職の養成』, 東信堂刊, 2012年1月発行, A5判, 243頁, 本体価格3,200円