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Recently Irgasan DP300 (DP) has been widely used as an inactivator of HBs antigen. Although some literature reports negative opinions on the effect of the agent, it must be practically used as an antiseptic in HBs antigen positive patients, because there is no other suitable inactivator which may directly contact the skin. In Nagasaki Chuo Hospital, it was suspected that many inpatients had dermatitis after use of 0.5% DP in 70% ethanol. Hence, the investigation was held in the liver disease ward, and the following three kinds of alcohol solutions were used as antiseptics for 50 inpatients for 2 weeks to replace 30% isopropanol : a) 70% ethanol, b) 0.3% DP alcohol, c) 0.5% DP alcohol. DP was studied in terms of thin-layer chromatography (TLC), pH and UV spectrum. The results were as follows : 1) The usage of 0.3% DP in the ward caused dermatitis in 8 patients and O.5% DP in 4 patients. The patch test revealed 1 positive patients DP. But it was impossible to distinguish the irritation potential of 0.3% DP alcohol from that of 0.5%. 2) The pH value of 0.5% DP alcohol showed not a remarkable change after exposure to sunlight. The TLC and UV spectrum also produced no change. It is reported that DP does not cause severe irritation in the skin, but the results of these studies do not support such view so far as alcohol solution of DP is concerned. Hence, the application of DP alcohol must be carefully controlled ; Particularly it should not be applied to the skin for a long period.
- 日本医療薬学会の論文
- 1980-08-20
矢野 右人
矢野 右人
国立病院長崎医療センター 臨床研究センター
伊東 公子
矢野 右人
松岡 一忠
松岡 一忠
山口 憲司
野中 薫雄
松本 頼子
野中 薫雄
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- 11.Paired Biopsy Sampleを用いたC型慢性肝炎における線維化進展と インターフェロン治療による改善の検討
- B型肝炎
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- 6.C型肝炎の組織学的ステージと発癌
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- IV.トピックス2.劇症肝炎とウイルス変異
- 各種検査法の特性と問題点
- 新しいウイルス性肝炎
- 肝炎 (特集 海外渡航者の診療ガイド--emerging infectious diseaseへの対応) -- (主要輸入感染症--最近の話題)
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- 262.産婦人科領域におけるB型肝炎ウイルスの感染阻止に関する研究 : 特にHBIGとHB-Vaccine使用について : 第52群 感染症など II(258〜263)
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- A型急性肝炎の病理組織学的検討
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- 第33回日本肝臓学会総会記録 (1) : パネルディスカッション (9) C型慢性肝炎のインターフェロン療法と長期予後
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- Assay of antibody to viral antigen encoded by C8-2 fragment derived from HCV genome.
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- Screening of HIV antibody in infants after injection of HBIG and hepatitis B vaccine.
- 日光蕁麻疹の1例―血清因子陽性の意義―