水稲の倒伏に及ぼす二, 三裁培条件の影響 (I)
- 論文の詳細を見る
1. The heavily fertilized rice plant is easier to lodge by breaking of culm than the plant applied with usual dose of fertilizers. The former plant is different from the latter in size and character as follows ; the plant is high, the weight of plant is heavy, the lower internodes (N_4 and N_3) are long and slender, the thickness of culm wall is thin, the weight of unit length of culm is small, the development of the mechanical tissue of culm is inferior and the breaking strength of N_4 or N_8 is small. The moment (plant height x weight of plant) of the upper part of the internode concerned is large. Accordingly, the ratio of moment to breaking strength of the internode concerned (index of lodging) is large, and the plant is liable to lodge (Fig. 1). 2. Index of lodging of N_4 and N_3 of the rice plant, which is supplied with chemical fertilizers, is larger than that of the plant of the plant grown with compost, so the former plant is liable to lodge (Fig. 2). 3. Shading the late variety Aichi-asahi (heading date is Sept. 6) during the first decade of Aug. accelerates the elongation of the internode N_4, which is elongating just at that time, but retards the enrichment of N_4. Consequently, breaking strength of N_4 is small, index of lodging is large, so that the plant is liable to lodge (Fig. 3). 4. Top-dressing of plenty of ammonium sulphate at about 40 days before heading time makes plant liable to lodge, because index of lodging or N_4 or N_8 becomes large (Fig. 4).
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1957-12-20
- 水稲早期栽培の分けつ期における高温の影響
- 暖地水田における水稲の光合成について(予報)
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- 間断かんがいによる水稲の生態反応について : II 生育時間別水管理と生育収量およびかんがい効率
- 暖地透水不良田における深層追肥の効果について
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- 水稲の倒伏に関する研究 : 栽培密度及び施肥量と倒伏との関係について
- 水稲の倒伏に及ぼす二, 三栽培条件の影響 (II)
- 水稲の倒伏に及ぼす二, 三裁培条件の影響 (I)
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- 栽培時期を異にする水稲の生育経過に関する研究 : V. 作期を異にする水稲の肥料依存度について
- 栽培時期を異にする水稲の生育経過に関する研究 : IV. 早期・早植栽培水稲の出穂期の早期予測について
- 暖地早植稲の粒数と登熟歩合との関係
- 栽培時期を異にする水稲の生育経過に関する研究 : III. 暖地早植稲の生育相と多収に関与する気象その他の要因
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- 水稲早期栽培の穂数増加の原因についての考察
- 無湛水栽培における雑草害と雑草防除体系
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