- 論文の詳細を見る
1. The transition of the amount of weeds on the direct sowing paddy fields of which changed the irrigation management was investigated, and the following results were obtained; the total amount of weeds was more conspicuous on the dryland condition than on the irrigated condition at both stages, tillering and reduction division of pollen mother cells. Thereafter that on the dryland condition was diminished gradually and no differences between both conditions were observed at the ripening stage. While on the condition which was irrigated only after the reduction division stage, the amount of weeds rapidly increased after that, and was most among the three stages as for the ripening stage. 2. The transition of weeds shown by irrigation mangement such as above mentioned were as follows. Barnyardgrass was most in number and amount, and the following weeds continued correspondingly to the barnyardgrass; slender spikerush, chufa, monochoria, large crabgrass. While on both of the dryland and irrigated land conditions after the stage of reduction division of pollen mother cells, large crab-grass and the barnyardgrass were prominent and was consequently covered the growth of other weeds. 3. The decrease of rice yields caused by weed damage was bigger on the dryland field than on the irrigated field. It is seemed to be that a lot of gramineous weeds on the dryland condition occurred, and a water absorption of these plants was dominance compared with rice plant under the competitive condition. 4. In order to know the relation between total amount of weeds and soil moisture, three soils of different kinds were used. Weed ocurrence was highest at 90% soil moisture (v/v), followed by 100 %-70% and the minimum lies below 70%. 5. From the result on the herbicides application using new chemical compounds, the follwing arrangement to weed control on the dryland direct sowing was shown. Pre emergence treatment (nitrofen) + post emergence treatment (propanil) + post emergence treatment (propanil).
- 日本雑草学会の論文
- 1970-11-25
- 水稲稚苗の形質に及ぼす育苗日数,播種量,窒素施用量の影響
- 間断かんがいによる水稲の生態反応について : I 施肥水準および土壌PF段階による生態変異
- 飼料作物の過湿に対する生態変異 : 冠水が飼料作物の出芽定着に及ぼす影響
- 飼料作物の過湿に対する生態変異 : 土壤水分が冬作飼料作物の出芽定着に及ぼす影響
- 飼料作物の過湿に対する生態変異 : 通気組織系の発達良否よりみた飼料作物の耐湿性
- 飼料作物の過湿に対する生態変異 : 土壌水分が飼料作物の出芽定着におよぼす影響
- 間断かんがいによる水稲の生態反応について : II 生育時間別水管理と生育収量およびかんがい効率
- 暖地透水不良田における深層追肥の効果について
- 作土層の相互交換による水稲の気象および土壌生産力の解析
- 水稲の収量限界向上に関する現地調査 : 谷口行男氏水田の水稲について (第145回講演会)
- 水稲の倒伏に及ぼす二, 三栽培条件の影響 (II)
- 水稲の倒伏に及ぼす二, 三裁培条件の影響 (I)
- 稲稚苗移植栽培における欠株の補償について
- 栽培時期を異にする水稲の生育経過に関する研究 : V. 作期を異にする水稲の肥料依存度について
- 栽培時期を異にする水稲の生育経過に関する研究 : IV. 早期・早植栽培水稲の出穂期の早期予測について
- 暖地早植稲の粒数と登熟歩合との関係
- 栽培時期を異にする水稲の生育経過に関する研究 : III. 暖地早植稲の生育相と多収に関与する気象その他の要因
- 栽培時期を異にする水稲の生育経過に関する研究 : I 水稲地上部の生育経過と稲体成分の推移について
- 水稲早期栽培の穂数増加の原因についての考察
- 無湛水栽培における雑草害と雑草防除体系
- 土壌水分と水稲の発芽ならびに初期生育との関係について (予報) (第136回 講演会)
- 栽培時期を異にする水稲の生育経過に関する研究 : II 水温・地温及び土壌の酸化還元電位の推移と水稲地下部の変化について
- 水稲地上部諸器官の発育経過に関する研究 : 1. 水稻伸長期に於ける地上部諸器官の伸長, 乾物重の推移及びその相互関係について