麦類の光合成に関する生態学的研究 : 第3報 同化諸器官の光合成能力の生育時期別変化
- 論文の詳細を見る
Changes with growth in photosynthetic ability of various organs, such as leaf blades, leaf sheaths, culms (parts without leaf sheaths) and ears of barley, wheat, oat and rye plants sown in autumn were measured during 1969-74 (table 1). Photosynthetic rates were measured under controlled conditions in assimilation chambers with artificial illumination of 0.6 ly・min^<-1>. Respiration rates were measured in dark chambers. In both measurements,surface temperature of each organ was kept either at 14-18℃ (Nov.-Mar.) or at 18-23℃ (Apr.-Jun.). All samples were collected from the fields, cut off from adjacent organs, and measured. Field study of dry matter production of six-rowed barley, wheat and oat was conducted. Due to being various photosynthetic organs other than leaf blades, a new index LAI^* was introduced, which was obtained from mutiplying LAI (leaf blade area index) by the ratio of total gross photosynthesis of a productive tiller to leaf blades. Net assimilation rate calculated by using LAI^* was named NAR^*. The main results obtained are summarized as follows; 1. Changes with growth in the ability of photosynthesis and dark respiration of leaf blade. The mean gross photosynthesis of whole leaves of a shoot was found to be high during winter in six-rowed barley, wheat and rye, but low in oat (fig. 3). After heading date, their values decreased gradually in all of the four crops. A detailed study of changes of photosynthetic rates of some leaves of wheat and rye sown in 1973, clearly showed that the life span of the leaves grown in winter was long, but the one grown in spring (at the stage of culm elongation) was half of the one in winter (fig. 4,5). The third leaves on main stems of both crops, which developed before winter, decreased gradually their photosynthetic ability in winter. On the other hand, the fifth leaves which developed in winter showed high photosynthetic ability during long winter period. The dark respiration of leaf blades was clearly found to be of higher value during winter than spring in all four crops (fig. 3). 2. Photosynthetic ability of various organs in ripening stage (including two-rowed barley): In ripening stage, the gross photosynthesis of leaf blades per a productive tiller decreased more drastically than that of the other photosynthetic organs in all crops (fig. 7). The contribution of each organ to the total gross photosynthesis of a productive tiller was calculated on the assumption that every organ were equally illuminated. In the early ripening stage the contribution of leaf blades was high, but at the later stage decreased drastically in all crops (fig. 8). In the early ripening stage the contribution of leaf blades of two-rowed barley was low compared to the other crops, and those of ears were low in wheat and rye. In the later stage the contribution of culms of rye became higher. On the other hand, the contribution of leaf sheaths of two-rowed barley and rye were found to be higher than the other crops, through whole ripening stage (fig. 8). 3. Growth analysis of dry matter production: Both NAR and NAR^* from middle to late April were more than 3.6 times of those in winter in six-rowed barley, wheat and oat. This fact did not agree with the results of the measurements of photosynthetic ability (table 3, fig. 3). It is presumably concluded that winter cereals cannot display enough their photosynthetic ability because of injurious environment of winter in field, especially low temperature. Growth pattern of dry matter of oat was characteristically different from those of six-rowed barley and wheat (table 3, fig. 12). Both six-rowed barley and wheat kept more than four of LAI^* during the period from culm elongation stage to the early ripening stage (table 3). This clearly shows that the various organs other than leaf blades play in an important role for the production of photosynthates.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1976-06-30
- 11 農村地域における肥料・施肥に関するエネルギー投入 : 80年代初頭と90年代初頭の比較(関東支部講演会要旨)
- シンポジウム 1 広がる地球環境問題と作物学 : 研究の方向を探る
- IV. 耕地をめぐる地力問題 : 持続的農業へ向けて (広がる地球環境問題と作物学 : 研究の方向を探る)
- III. 大気汚染物質の移流拡散とその作物生産に及ぼす影響 : 地球環境問題の相互関連性 (広がる地球環境問題と作物学 : 研究の方向を探る)
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- 116 作物作付パターンから見た世界諸国と日本
- 113 ランドサットデータの農耕地情報への利用 : 麦作付け面積の推定
- 農用地開発計画における立地条件の評価の試み-1-数量化2類による評価
- 68 マルチスペクトル写真の利用による作物種類の判別
- 67 マルチスペクトル写真の利用による作物生育量の推定
- 麦類の光合成に関する生態学的研究 : 第3報 同化諸器官の光合成能力の生育時期別変化
- 麦類の光合成に関する生態学的研究 : 第2報 圃場条件におけるコムギ, ライムギ個体群の光合成
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- 52 数種の禾本科冬作物の葉温と光合成との関係
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- 麦類の光合成に関する生態学的研究 : 第4報 六条オオムギの乾物生長のシミュレーション
- 38 ピーマンの物質生産と生長過程に関する研究 : 第5報 果着生位置が光合成産物の転流に及ぼす影響
- 27 コムギの収量性に関する生態学的研究 : 2. 日本産および欧州産品種の乾物生産過程の比較
- 84 ピーマンの物質生産と生長過程に関する研究 : 4. ハウス・ピーマンの葉面積生長
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- 作物群落内におけるエネルギーとガスの交換に関する研究 (5) : 大麦群落の幾何学的構造と直達光の透入
- 12 作物群落の計量植物学的研究 : 第4報 数種作物の生長函数について
- 7 登熟期における数種の冬作物の同化諸器官の光合成
- 6 数種冬作物の光合成能力
- 50 大麦群落の地下部をふくめた生長解析
- 49 登熟期におけるオオムギ同化諸器官の光合成
- 麦類の倒伏機構に関する研究 : IV 風雨条件が倒伏におよぼす影響 (2) (第137回 講演会)
- 麦の倒伏機構に関する研究 : III 風雨条件が倒伏におよぼす影響(その 1) (第135回 講演会)