- 論文の詳細を見る
This experiment was carried out to see the influence of the specific gravity and weight of seed on seedling emergence of paddy rice sown under upland field condition. Variety used was Norin No.23 and seeds were covered with soil of 5cm in depth. Results obtained were as follows. 1. The weight and the uniformity of seeds increased with the increase in specific gravity 0f seed. 2. The ungerminated seeds were found considerably in the seeds with the smaller specific gravity (below 1.05), but not found in the larger ones (beyond 1.10). And the correlation co-efftcient between the specific gravity of seed and the time of seedling emergence was not significant. 3. At the 122nd hour after seeding, the length f coleoptile and primary leaf was longer in the seeds with the larger specific gravity (beyond 1.OO) than in the smaller ones (below 1.O0). But at the 208th hour after seeding, such a relationship was not observed. And the length of mesocotyl was longer in the seeds with the smaller specific gravity (below 1.05) than in the larger ones (beyond 1.10), when both results at the 122nd and 208th hour after seeding were combined. 4. The time of seedling emergence became earlier with increasing of seed weight. 5. At the 122nd hour after seeding, the length of coleoptile and the total length of mesocotyl and coleoptile and the diameter of coleoptile was correlated positively with seed weight. At the 208th hour after seeding, the length of coleoptile, primary leaf, leaf sheath of first leaf and second internode was correlated positively with seed weight. And the length of mesocotyl was correlated negatively with seed weight, when both results at the 122nd and 208th hour after seeding were combined
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1975-12-30
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