赤かび病の特殊接種法による小麦品種の抵抗性の検定 : 第10報 分生胞子または菌糸のみによる改良特殊接種試験
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In the field, the primary infections of scab to the heads of wheat occurred by the natural inoculation with ascospores or conidiospores flying in the air; whereas the artificial inoculation of scab is usually carried out by spraying a mixed suspension of spores and hyphae of the fungus. In this experiment of the improved method of scad inoculation, the possibility was tested that the hyphae alone might be infected to leaf blade or ears, as spores do. For this purpose, the hyphae as well as the spores were taken from the scad cultured on the potato agar medium. It was found that the infection could be also obtained by inoculating the hyphae alone, though the conidiospores were successfully used in the infection, of course. The materials (wheat varieties; Nobeoka-bouzu and Wheadling) used in this experiment were much more resistant to scab than the variety Shin-chunaga, which is recognized one of the most resistant varieties in Japan. Nevertheless, no difference was seen in the susceptibility to scab between these resistant varieties and the less resistant ones reported in our previous papers. This fact supports our previous assumption that both the resistant varieties and the susceptible ones show the nearly same degree of infection when the scab was inoculated into leaf blade. From the results of our previous studies concerning the scab infections to leaf blade, head and rachis of wheat by the improved method of inoculation, the conclusions with regard to the mechanisms of infection, resistance or susceptibility to scab were drawn as follows: (1) The absence of natural infection of scab on the leaf blade of wheat in the field may well be due to the fact that it has no morphological and histological factors (steps) to promote the germination of scab spores and the subsequent intrusion of hyphae into the tissue of leaf blade. But by the improved method of inoclation, scab fungus is able to intrude easily into leaf blade, and to show a symptom of scab infection on it, owing to the supply of moisture and nutrient. (2) The fact that the natural infection of scab to wheat is restricted to heads suggests the existence of various morphological and histological factors (steps), which are needed for the intrusion of scab into heads of wheat. Such factors as number of anthers caught by glumes, pollens, number and size of stomata on the inner parts of outer glumes were recognized as the important factors influencing the entrance of scab into heads. Furthermore, the resistance or susceptibility of wheat varieties to scab might be attributable mainly to the characteristic differences of these factors on the head of each variety. (3) The foliage lesion of scab inoculated by the improved method was similar in both the resistant and susceptible varieties. This similarity was explained by the fact that any of the wheat varieties is never immune or even highly resistant to scab constitutionally, and that all the varieties are equally susceptible rather than resistant to scab. (4) The degrees of lesion in various varieties infected by the improved method of inoculation on heads or rachises did not always coincide with those of the varieties whose resistances were judged by the degrees of damages received in the field. The possible explanation of this fact may be that when the tissues of heads or rachises were directly inoculated by the improved method, the tissues permit the entrance and spreading of fungus without the aid of any of the factors above-mentioned. In spite of this fact, however, the existence of slight but recognizable differences of varietal resistance in the predisposition cann't be completely excluded. The available data do not permit the definite conclusion, and these phenomena are open for further research.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1970-02-28
- 甜菜の移植に関する研究 (第1報)移植苗の大小の菜根の形状に及ぼす影響
- 赤かび病の特殊接種法による小麦品種の抵抗性の検定 : 第3報 赤かび病の葉面接種法における加傷の有無, 葉位, 培養寒天量と罹病との関係 : 附:セロハンテープ焼けとその対策
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- 赤かび病の特殊接種法による小麦品種の抵抗性の検定 : 第10報 分生胞子または菌糸のみによる改良特殊接種試験
- 赤かび病の特殊接種法による小麦品種の抵抗性の検定 : 第8報 葉舌部・葉鞘部への菌糸による特殊接種試験
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- 赤かび病の小麦葉面接種とその意義
- 赤かび病の特殊接種法による小麦品種の抵抗性の検定 : 第7報 赤かび病の改良特殊接種法による小麦穂軸の接種とその罹病
- 赤かび病の特殊接種法による小麦品種の抵抗性の検定 : 第6報 赤かび病の改良特殊接種法による小麦穂の接種とその罹病
- 赤かび病の特殊接種法による小麦品種の抵抗性の検定 : 第5報 赤かび病の改良特殊接種法
- 赤かび病の特殊接種法による小麦品種の抵抗性の検定 : 第4報 赤かび病の葉面接種と小麦品種間の罹病性
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- 赤かび病菌の産生する病毒物質が小麦種子の発芽におよぼす影響
- イグサの花芽形成条件について
- 83 イグサの乾物生産について
- 13 イグサの先刈期ごろの生育程度の差異が「長い」生産に与える影響
- 25 先刈期ごろの水地温処理がイグサの生育に及ぼす影響
- 15 イグサの生育型に関する基礎的研究 : 「先刈り」の茎相に及ぼす影響
- 14 イグサの生育型に関する基礎的研究 : 栽植様式と栽植密度を異にした場合の茎相の変化
- 2、3 の植物生長調節物質がイグサの生育に与える影響
- 30 イグサの発育に及ぼす「先刈り」の影響
- 22 栽培地域及び品種からみたイグサの茎相の差異について
- イ茎の伸長に関する 2、3 の知見
- 31 生育各期の水地温の高低がイグサの生育に及ぼす影響
- 冬季の水地温の高低によるイグサの生育様相の変化
- 43 小麦葉の生理活性と葉の赤かび病罹病性との関係
- 培地組成・抽出法を異にした小麦赤かび病菌の産生する病毒物質について
- 赤かび病の特殊接種法による小麦品種の抵抗性の検定-9-赤かび病の小麦葉面特殊接種法において穂の有無の発病に及ぼす影響