- 論文の詳細を見る
The metabolism studies of tetramethrin, phenothrin, cyphenothrin, fenpropathrin and fenvalerate were carried out in mammals and they were metabolized similarly by oxidation at the acid and alcohol moieties, cleavage of ester linkage, conjugation of the resultant products with glucuronic acid, sulfuric acid or amino acids, and/or conversion of the CN group to thiocyanate and carbon dioxide. Although there were significant differences observed in extents of cleavage of ester bond and oxidation between the trans- and cis-isomers, no remarkable difference was observed in the metabolic fates among the optical isomers of tetramethrin and phenothrin. On the other hand, comparative metabolism study of the four optical isomers of fenvalerate showed that, of the four isomers, only the [2R, αS]-isomer produced a lipophilic conjugate which was identified as an ester of the acid moiety of this isomer with cholesterol (CPIA-cholesterol ester). This conjugate was somewhat persistent in tissues, particularly adrenal, liver, lymph node and spleen. This conjugate seems to be produced via transesterification catalyzed by microsomal carboxyesterase(s), but not via any of the three biosynthetic pathways of endogenous cholesterol esters (ACAT, LCAT and cholesterol esterase). The stereoselective formation of CPIA-cholesterol from the [2R, αS]-isomer seems to be due to stereoselectivity of the carboxyesterase(s). This conjugate is demonstrated to be a causative agent of granulomatous changes observed in the liver, spleen and/or lymph node of animals fed fenvalerate and the [2R, αS]-isomer subacutely, but not fed the other isomers. Some of fenvalerate analogs produced cholesterol ester conjugates and there was good relationship between formation of cholesterol ester conjugates and incidence of granulomatous changes. It is probable that more detailed examination of metabolites of xenobiotics in excreta and tissues will lead to the discovery of other examples of lipophilic conjugates including cholesterol esters.
- 日本農薬学会の論文
- 1988-08-20
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