初任者の力量形成と勤務校の組織風土 : 「教科指導」研修を中心に
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The purpose of this paper is to clarify the influences of the organizational climates of the schools on the effectiveness of training for beginning teachers, especially focused on the 'subject-teaching' training. And we take account of the individuality of beginning teachers (e. g. personality traits, adaptation to teaching, attitudes for learning). By analyzing quantitative data collected by the questionnaire survey (N=1,061), conducted for elementary and junior high school teachers, some findings are indicated as follows: (1) The quality of training effectiveness evaluation by beginning teachers partly depends on some aspects of the organizational climates of their schools (i. e. the cooperative climate, the existence of the relationships of instructive interaction among teachers). (2) 'Self-confidence of subject-teaching' is not necessarily influenced by the organizational climates. But as to junior high school beginning teachers, the association is more significant, in particular with the coherence of teachers group. (3) The individual traits of beginning teachers associate with the 'self-confidence of subject-teaching'. This study suggests the limits and possibilities of the organizational climates of schools. Further theoretical and empirical examinations are expected, including some relevant variables.
- 日本教育経営学会の論文
- 1993-06-01
- 教育経営研究文献の分析的研究
- 初任者の力量形成と勤務校の組織風土 : 「教科指導」研修を中心に
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