Phenomenological Analysis of Elastic π^--p Scattering at 1.4 Bev
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Pion-proton scattering at 1.4 Bev observed by Eisberg et al.^<1)> is analyzed in a phenomenological way. Interpreting the peak in forward direction as "shadow scattering" and analyzing this angular distribution, we obtain the result which agrees fairly well with the experimental one. By this method, moreover, it is found that the partial waves of l=0, 1, 2 and l=1, 2, 3, 4 are mainly responsible to the elastic and production cross sections, respectively.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
Minami Shigeo
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Ito Daisuke
Physics Department Saitama University
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