Heavy Mesons and Hard Core in Nuclear Force
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1962-01-25
Minami Shigeo
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Minami Shigeo
Department Of Physics Osaka City University
- Locally Controllable Image Amplification by Two-Wave Coupling with a BSO Crystal
- THE PRINCIPLE AND APPLICATIONS OF OPTICAL MICROSCOPE TOMOGRAPHY (Multiparametric Photometry and Histo-and Cytochemistry)
- Boson Resonances and Nucleon-Antinucleon Annihilation
- Evaluation of Numerical Filters for Smoothing Spectroscopic Data
- Nanosecond Signal Sampling Photomultiplier Circuits
- Computerized Spectrofluorometer Using Photon Counting : Very Weak Light
- An Interactive Minicomputer System for Resolving Overlapped Peaks in Experimental Curves
- Optimum Smoothing of Infrared Spectroscopic Data with Numerical Filters
- Photometric Characteristics of Image Dissector Tubes in Photon Counting Operation
- A Simple Photomultiplier Gating Circuit for the Nanosecond Region
- High Speed Spectroscopic Measurement of Very Weak Radiation with Multichannel Coincidence Technique : Very Weak Light
- An Analysis of the Iterative Method for Deconvolving Spectroscopic Data Containing a Random Noise
- K^+-p Elastic Scattering at 3.5 and 5 GeV/c
- S-Wave Pion-Nucleon Interaction
- Phenomenological Theories of Elementary Particle Resonant States
- Elastic e^+-e^-(e^--e^-) Scattering with Polarized Beams
- Pion Reactions in One Nucleon System and Nucleon lsobars
- On the Relation between Meson-Nucleon Scattering and Photomeson Production
- Parity Nonconservation and Decay of Hyperon
- Pauli-Type Interacion and e^+e^-→μ^+μ^- Reaction
- The Photon-Nucleon Scattering
- Proton-Antiproton Collision and Isobaric States
- Phenomenological Analysis of Pomeron-Exchange Amplitude for Pion-Nucleon Scattering and Cross Sections Due to Resonances(Nonresonant Background)
- On the Angular Distribution of Double Pion Production in Pion-Nucleon Collisions at 1.4 Bev
- OZI-Violating Couplings and Hadronic Production of η_Q(η_Q')
- p^^--p(e^+-e^-) Annihilation with Polarized Beams
- Heavy Mesons and Hard Core in Nuclear Force
- Radially Excited Tensor Mesons with I=0
- K Meson-Pion Interaction and K^-+p→K^^-^0+π^-+p Reaction
- Relative ΛΣ-Parity and K^--p Interactions at (1.1~1.4) Bev/c
- K-π Interaction and K^+-N Scattering
- Multipole Model of Elementary Particles. I : Pion-Baryon Interactions
- S-Wave K Meson-Nucleon Interaction
- Excitation Function for Meson Production by γ-Ray
- K Meson-Nucleon Interaction at High Energy
- Remarks on Description of the A(1090 MeV) and X^0(960 MeV) Mesons in the SU_3 Scheme
- Note on K^--p Interactions at 400 Mev/c
- S-Wave Pion-Nucleon Interaction and Nucleon Core
- Situation of Rarita-Schwinger Particle as a Model of Nucleon Isobar
- Asymptotic Behavior of Total Cross Sections and Additional Odd-Signature Meson Trajectories
- Meson Reaction in Two-Nucleon System
- A Tentative Analysis of π-2π Process
- Interaction of K^+-Meson and Nucleon
- Note on the Observed Peak of σ_t(e^+e^-→Hadrons) at 4.1 GeV
- Diffraction Peak in π^±-p (K^±-p) Scattering
- Regge-Pole Approarch to Charmonium and Bottonium
- Requirement of Duality and p-p (p^^--p) Elastic Scattering
- Imaginary Parts of the Helicity Amplitudes for K-N(π-N) Scattering
- Pomeron-Exchange Amplitude for K^+_-p Scattering and Existence of Z^*
- Decays of Pseudoscalar Mesons
- Quark-Lepton Interaction and e^^--e (p^^--p) annihilation
- Note on Inelastic Cross Section in p-p Scattering
- A Possible Scheme for Leading Baryon Trajectories and Test of the Predictions of Duality Diagrams for the Forward K^-p→π^-Σ^+ Reaction Amplitude
- Note on Recently Discovered Resonant States in the Meson Family
- Meson-Nucleon Scattering in Low Energy Region
- Phenomenological Analysis of Elastic π^--p Scattering at 1.4 Bev
- Excited State in Λ-π System and K^--p Collision
- Three-Pion Resonance and High Energy Phenomena
- Diffraction Peak in p-p (p-p) Scattering and Growth of the Total Cross Section
- Note on Phenomenological Analysis of K^+-p Scattering and Exotic Resonances
- Duality, Meson Trajectories and Remarks on the Regge-Pole Model for π^0(η) Photoproduction
- Some Comments on Magnetic Moments of Baryons
- μ Pair Production in Polarized e^+-Polarized e^- Collisions and e^+e^- (μ^+μ^-)-ψ/J Interaction
- p^^--p Interactions for Annihilation and Non-Annihilation Processes
- Diffraction Dissociation and Non-Diffractive Production for Inelastic Scattering
- σ_/σ_t for Scattering, ψ-N Interaction and ψ″
- Multiplicity Distribution in p-p and K^+-p Collisions at High Energies