Pseudo Dirac Neutrino
- 論文の詳細を見る
The general property of the pseudo Dirac neutrino is examined, and its phenomenological aspects to the βdecay, the ν-oscillations and the ββ decay are discussed. As realistic examples, two models based on SU(5) GUTS are presented and their predictions as to the above-mentioned processes are discussed.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1983-11-25
西浦 宏幸
西浦 宏幸
Doi M
Osaka University Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Takasugi E
Osaka Univ.
Doi Masaru
Osaka University Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Doi Masaru
Osaka College Of Pharmacy
Faculty of Information Science and Technology
KOTANI Tsuneyuki
Institute of Physics, College of General Education
Institute of Physics, College of General Education
Institute of Physics, College of General Education Osaka University
KENMOKU Masakatsu
Department of Physics, Nara Women's University
Research Institute for Fundamental Physics Kyoto University
Kenmoku Masakatsu
Department Of Physics Nara Women's University
Kenmoku Masakatsu
Department Of Physics Nara Women 's University
Doi M
Department Of Computational Science And Engineering Nagoya University
Takasugi Eiichi
Institute Of Physics College Of General Education Osaka University
College of General Education, Osaka University
Nishiura Hiroyuki
Institute Of Physics College Of General Education Osaka University
Kotani Tsuneyuki
Institute Of Mathematical Sciences : Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
KENMOKU Masakatsu
Department of Physics, Nara Women 's University
Department of Physics, Osaka University:Department of Physics, Hokkaido University
Institute of Physics, College of General Education, Osaka University
- ノーベル物理学賞受賞記念「展示と模擬実験」
- 28aVP-10 Maximal CP violation hypothesis and a lepton mixing matrix
- 24pSB-4 質量行列とレプトン数非保存の現象
- 30aSA-10 MNS Parameters from Neutrino Oscillations, Single Beta Decay and Double Beta Decay
- 31aSD-5 CP violation in Lepton Number Violation Process and Neutrino Oscillations
- 24aSF-7 SO(10)GUT and Quark-Lepton Mass Matrices
- 28p-YC-12 Constraints of Mixing Angles from Lepton Number Violating Processes
- 28p-YC-9 クォークとレプトンの質量行列
- レプトン・核子深非弾性散乱におけるヒッグス粒子生成(クォーク・グルオンの力学に基づくハドロン物理,研究会報告)
- Neutrinoless Modes of Double Beta Decay : Particles and Fields
- Unitarized Multiperipheral Model and Regge Cut Exchange
- Neutrino Emitting Modes of Double Beta Decay : Particles and Fields
- Unified Model for Elastic Scattering and Inclusive Reactions
- New Parameterization in Muon Decay and the Type of Emitted Neutrino. II(Particles and Fields)
- New Parameterization in Muon Decay and the Type of Emitted Neutrino(Particles and Fields)
- Double Beta Decay and Majorana Neutrino
- Muon Decay and the Majorana Neutrino
- The Energy Spectrum and the Angular Correlation in the ββ Decay
- Pseudo Dirac Neutrino
- Double Beta Decay
- Majorana Neutrinos and μ-Decay
- Neutrino Mass, the Right-Handed Interaction and the Double Beta Decay. II : General Properties and Data Analysis
- Neutrino Mass, the Right-Handed Interaction and the Double Beta Decay. I : Formalism
- Analytic Solutions of the Regge-Wheeler Equation and the Post-Minkowskian Expansion : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Analytic Solutions of the Teukolsky Equation and Their Low Frequency Expansions
- Lepton Number Violating e^-W^+ → e^+W^- and e^-e^- → W^-W^- Processes in the Left-Right Gauge Model : Particles and Fields
- Inverse Muon Decay in the Gauge Theory
- Absorption Rate of the Kerr-de Sitter Black Hole and the Kerr-Newman-de Sitter Black Hole
- Analytic Solutions of the Teukolsky Equation in Kerr-de Sitter and Kerr-Newman-de Sitter Geometries
- Perturbations of Kerr-de Sitter Black Holes and Heun's Equations : Astrophysics and Relativity
- CP Violation in Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay and Neutrino Oscillation
- 二重ベータ崩壊 : ニュートリノはディラック型かマヨラナ型か
- Proper-Time Formulation of the Dual Resonance Model and Subsidiary Conditions. II
- A Method of Quantization of the Spinning String
- A dual String Model with Quantized Regge Slope
- Proper-Time Formulation in Dual Resonance Model and the Subsidiary Conditions
- A Peripheral Absorption Model for π-p Charge Exchange Scattering
- Canonical Quantization of the Proper Time Formalism in the Dual Resonance Model
- Physical States, Spurious States and Projection Operator in the Dual Resonance Model
- KN and KN Scattering in a Regge-Pole Model without τP Parity Partners
- An Explanation of Helicity Conservation from the Quark Model and Tensor Coupling
- Regge Pole Model with the Diffractive Correction. IV : The Pion Photoproduction
- A Regge-Pole Model without Parity Doublets in the s-Channel and πN Charge Exchange Scattering
- Energy Eigenvalue Formula for Power-Law Potentials in Semiclassical-Type Approximation
- De Broglie-Bohm Interpretation for Analytic Solutions of the Wheeler-DeWitt Equation in Spherically Symmetric Space-Time
- Comments on the Problem of Time in Quantum Cosmology (1996年度九州地区地域研究会:量子重力と量子宇宙論)
- Eigenvalue Problem of Scalar Fields in BTZ Black Hole Spacetime(Astrophysics and Relativity)
- Quantum Effects for the NeutrinoMixing Matrix in a Democratic-Type Model
- Large CP Violation in B_s Decays and Light W_R : Particles and Fields
- Light W_R and the Spontaneous CP Violation : Particles and Fields
- Reconstruction of Quark Mass Matrices in the NNI Form from the Experimental Data : Particles and Fields
- e^-e^- Collisions Mediated by Composite Neutrinos : Particles and Fields
- Double Beta Decay Constraint on Composite Neutrinos : Particles and Fields
- Post-Newtonian Expansion of Gravitational Waves from a Particle in Circular Orbits around a Rotating Black Hole : Effects of Black Hole Absorption : Astrophysics and Relativity
- The Rephasing Freedom and the NNI Form of Quark Mass Matrices : Particles and Fields
- Analytic Solutions of the Teukolsky Equation and Their Properties : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Composite Neutrinos and Double Beta Decay : Particles and Fields
- A New Solution of the Solar Neutrino Problem : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Charged Neutrinos and Atoms in the Standard Model : Particles and Fields
- Mini-Charge Non-Conservation in SU(3)_c×SU(2)_L×U(1)_Y Models : Particles and Fields
- Light W_R and the Spontaneous CP Violation. II : Particles and Fields
- Higgs Boson Production in High Energy Lepton-Nucleon Scattering
- E. Fiorini 編: Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics; Proceedings of Neutrino '80, An International Conference, Sicily, 1980, Plenum Press, New York and Lodon, 1982, xii+422ページ, 26×17.5cm, $49.50 (Ettore Majorana International Science Series, Physical Science,
- ニュートリノの質量とDoubleβ崩壊(膨張宇宙と素粒子論,研究会報告)
- Majoranaニュートリノ v.s. Diracニュートリノ(素粒子奨学会奨学生論文)
- 9. Majorana neutrino
- Renormalization Group Functions in the Two-Dimensional Quantum Chromodynamics
- Ecker-Grimus-Neufeld Model and the Parametrization of KM Matrix : Particles and Fields
- Impact Parameter Formalism. IV : The Non-Zero Spin Case
- The Energy Spectrum and the Angular Correlation in the ββ Decay
- Perturbations of Kerr-de Sitter Black Holes and Heun's Equations : Astrophysics and Relativity
- e^-e^- Collisions Mediated by Composite Neutrinos : Particles and Fields