Higgs Boson Production in High Energy Lepton-Nucleon Scattering
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Higgs boson productions are studied in high energy ν(ν^^-)N and l^±N scatterings. Total cross-sections are calculated at the lowest order of perturbation by taking into account two kinds of mechanisms, i. e., bremsstrahlungs from (I) strange-and charm-quark and from (II) is dominant for an extensive range of the energy although that of the mechanism (I) increases rapidly with energy. ON the contrary, both mechanisms give comparable contributions in l^±N processes. The total cross-sections are found to be rather small for both reactions even at very high energy.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1983-05-25
西浦 宏幸
日置 善郎
西浦 宏幸
Hioki Zenro
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Hioki Zenro
Department Of Physics College Of General Education University Of Tokushima
Faculty of Information Science and Technology
Department of General Education
Research Institute for Fundamental Physics Kyoto University
Research Institute for Fundamental Physics Kyoto University
Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
College of General Education, Osaka University
Research Institute for Fundamental Physics, Kyoto University
- ノーベル物理学賞受賞記念「展示と模擬実験」
- 22pBJ-9 LHC実験における非標準的なトップーグルーオン結合の観測可能性(22pBJ コライダー物理,素粒子論領域)
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- 31aSD-5 CP violation in Lepton Number Violation Process and Neutrino Oscillations
- 24aSF-7 SO(10)GUT and Quark-Lepton Mass Matrices
- 28p-YC-12 Constraints of Mixing Angles from Lepton Number Violating Processes
- 28p-YC-9 クォークとレプトンの質量行列
- 10aSJ-5 LHCにおける非標準トップ-グルオン結合の探索(コライダー物理,素粒子論領域)
- ハドロン衝突型加速器による非標準トップ-グルオン結合の探索
- 21aYB-4 ミューオンコライダーにおけるトップクォーク対生成と非標準ヒッグス相互作用(素粒子論領域)
- 26aSJ-1 ミューオンコライダーにおけるトップクォーク対生成とCP非保存ヒッグス相互作用(素粒子論領域)
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- 光子光子衝突でのトップ生成崩壊の最適観測量解析(基研研究会「素粒子物理学の進展」,研究会報告)
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- W. Holik and G. Duckeck, Electroweak Precision Tests at LEP, Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg, 2000, viii+158p., 24×16cm, \12,720, (Springer Tracts in Modern Physics,Vol.162), [専門書]
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- Signatures of Unusual Higgs Boson in Vectorlike Gauge Theories
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- 31a-A-2 トップ対生成における非標準相互作用の効果
- 28p-YP-7 トップ相互作用中のCP非保存パラメータの測定
- 一地方大学の物理教育 : 数式よりもイメージを大切に
- 6a-J-8 トップ生成・崩壊におけるCPの破れ
- J. Horejsi, Introduction to Electroweak Unification; Standard Model from Tree Unitarity, World Scientific, Singapore and New Jersey, 1994, xii+156p., 22.5×15.5cm, 7,700円
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- Finite Charm-Mass Effects in f_ Determination within the Heavy Quark Effective Theory : Particles and Fields
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- Constraints on the Mixing Angle between Ordinary and Heavy Leptons in a (V-A) Model : Detailed Analysis
- On the Charm-Pair Production in νN and pN Collisions
- E. Fiorini 編: Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics; Proceedings of Neutrino '80, An International Conference, Sicily, 1980, Plenum Press, New York and Lodon, 1982, xii+422ページ, 26×17.5cm, $49.50 (Ettore Majorana International Science Series, Physical Science,
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- 9. Majorana neutrino
- Renormalization Group Functions in the Two-Dimensional Quantum Chromodynamics
- 28aGA-6 TevatronとLHCによる非標準トップクォーク相互作用への制限(28aGA コライダー現象論,素粒子論領域)
- ハドロン衝突型加速器による非標準トップ-グルオン結合の探索
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- 13aSE-12 LHCにおける非標準トップクォーク結合の最適観測量解析(13aSE ヒッグス物理,コライダー物理,素粒子論領域)
- 29aRB-12 ハドロンコライダーによる非標準トップ-グルーオン結合の制限(29aRB 超対称模型,コライダー物理,ハドロン,素粒子論領域)