Nuclear Structure Effects on Weak Nuclear Form Factors of 0^+-0^- Transitions in A=16 System
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The ratio of muon-capture rate to beta-decay rate in the transitions ^<16>O(0^+: ground) ↔^<16>N(0^-: 120 KeV) is calculated with realistic nuclear models and with an exact formalism for lepton wave functions. In contrast to the results with no ground-state correlation, the calculated ratio is strongly reduced in agreement with the experimental data. Our results are compatible with the PCAC hypothesis. The effects of the exchange currents are found to be not large.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1979-09-25
Department of Anesthesiology and Medical Crisis Management, Nagoya City University Graduate School o
Koshigiri Kunio
Department Of Physics Osaka Kyoiku University
Morita M
Osaka Univ. Toyonaka Jpn
Morita Masato
Department Of Anesthesiology And Medical Crisis Management Nagoya City University Graduate School Of
Morita M
Department Of Physics Josai International University
Koshigiri K
Department Of Physics Osaka Kyoiku University
Department of Physics, Osaka University
MIHARA Mototsugu
Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Ohtsubo H
Osaka Univ. Toyonaka Jpn
Ohtsubo Hisao
Department Of Applied Mathematics Faculty Of Engineering Science Osaka University
Miki Masami
Department of Earth & Space Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Division de Physique Theorique, Institut de Physique Nucleaire Orsay
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