Dynamical Effects beyond Mean Field in Drip Line Nuclei
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Effects of the collective modes on the shell structure have been investigated in the nuclei near the ^10Be and ^24O core, at the neutron drip line. Energy shifts of the single-particle states are calculated by the particle-vibration coupling model taking into account the coupling to low-lying collective vibrational states. In the case of ^10Be core, the coupling to the lowest 2^+ state is found to be the most important effect to lower and raise the single-particle energies of 2s_1/2 and 1p_1/2 states, respectively, and leads to a much narrower gap between the two states than that of the Woods-Saxon potential. In the case of ^24O core, the single-particle energies below the Fermi level behave unusually in the calculations with the particle(hole)-vibration coupling compared with heavy nuclei near the ^208Pb core. The single-particle energy of the 1d_5/2 state is lowered by the coupling to the collective 2^+ states which gives an upward shift in heavy nuclei. Moreover the energy of 2s_1/2 state is also lowered by the coupling to 3^- states due to very specific effects found in the case of ^24O core, i.e., the blocking of the available configuration space for the particle(hole)-vibration couplings.
- 2002-12-26
Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Utsunomiya University
SAGAWA Hiroyuki
Center for Mathematics and Physics, University of Aizu
佐川 弘幸
Sagawa Hiroyuki
Center For Mathematical Sciences The University Of Aizu
Sagawa Hiroyuki
Niels Bohr Institute
鈴木 徹
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
COLO Gianluca
Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita degli Studi and INFN
Colo G
Dipartimento Di Fisica Universita Degli Studi And Infn
Colo Gianluca
Dipartimento Di Fisica Universita Degli Studi
Suzuki Toshio
Department Of Physics College Of Humanities And Sciences Nihon University
Suzuki Toshio
Department Of Agronomy Faculty Of Agriculture Tohoku University
SAGAWA Hiroyuki
Center for Mathematical Sciences, University of Aizu
SAGAWA Hiroyuki
Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo
SAGAWA Hiroyuki
Cyclotoron Laboratory, Michigan State University : Department of Physics, University of Tokyo
SAGAWA Hiroyuki
Institute for Nuclear Study, Tokyo University
SAGAWA Hiroyuki
National Institute for Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics (NIKHEF, section K (formerly IKO))
Research Institute for Fundamental Physics, Kyoto University
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