Giant Multipole States in Stable and Unstable Nuclei
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We study giant multipole states in stable and unstable nuclei by using self-consistent HF+RPA response function taking account of neutron and proton degrees of freedom explicitly. The RPA response function is solved in coordinate space including the full momentum dependent isoscalar and isovector Skyrme interactions simultaneously. The self-consistent HF+RPA model describes well the excitation energies and the strength distributions of giant resonances of stable nuclei. It is shown in drip line nuclei that the strong peaks appear at the excitation energies not only in the giant resonance region but also just above the threshold of the RPA response. The asymmetry term of nuclear compression modulus is discussed in relation with energy-weighted sum rules of monopole giant resonances in Ca-isotopes. Calculated results of the isoscalar dipole compression mode show good agreement with recent observations in ^<208>Pb. Finally, the giant quadrupole resonances are studied mainly focusing on its core polarization effect on the electric quadrupole transitions.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 2001-08-22
SAGAWA Hiroyuki
Center for Mathematics and Physics, University of Aizu
佐川 弘幸
Sagawa Hiroyuki
Center For Mathematical Sciences The University Of Aizu
Sagawa Hiroyuki
Niels Bohr Institute
SAGAWA Hiroyuki
Center for Mathematical Sciences, University of Aizu
SAGAWA Hiroyuki
Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo
SAGAWA Hiroyuki
Cyclotoron Laboratory, Michigan State University : Department of Physics, University of Tokyo
SAGAWA Hiroyuki
Institute for Nuclear Study, Tokyo University
SAGAWA Hiroyuki
National Institute for Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics (NIKHEF, section K (formerly IKO))
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