テレグラフ・アベニューの活性化策 : カリフォルニア州バークレー市の都市計画(3)
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In this paper, I summarized the transition in problems of the Telegraph Avenue commercial area. I also researched the vitalization plan that responds to these. I investigated fundamental ideas on strategies and policies regarding the scenery of the Avenue and the architectural potential. 1) Vitalization plan of the Telegraph Avenue area was made through the cooperation of residents, merchants, the city of Berkeley and University of California, Berkeley. For increasing the attractiveness of this area, this plan recognizes that architectural design and scenery are defined as important. 2) For increasing residential population, the developers of the plan propose that buildings combining commercial and residential use must be developed in the Telegraph Avenue area. The quota system has also been adopted for encouraging small-size businesses, which contribute to the diversity and identity of this area. 3) In aiming at the creation of a comfortable environment that maintains/reflects the characteristics of historical architecture, the Design Guidelines were developed.
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