テントウノミハムシ属 ( Argopistes ) 2種の樹上における生息習性の比較
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Habitat selection of larvae and adults was investigated for two species of the fleabeetle, Argopistes coccinelliformis and A. biplagiatus, on their host trees. In A. coccinelliformis, adult beetles mainly inhabited, fed on leaf tissues and deposited eggs on lower surfaces of leaves. In contrast, A. biplagiatus inhabited both upper and lower surfaces of leaves. In the early season, larvae of the former species started their mines from the upper surface of leaves, and kept feeding on the mesophyll of leaves in a face-down (nomal) position. Later in the season, they entered from the lower surface and damaged the mesophyll in an upside-down position. Larvae of this species changed their mines quite frequently. In comparison, larvae of A. biplagiatus started their mines from the lower surface and fed on the mesophyll in an upside-down position. They changed their feeding to the normal position in the same mine as time passed. Later in the season, they again changed their style of mining and started from the upper surface, feeding on the mesophyll in the normal position. I observed that larvae of this spscies also changed their mines, but the frequency was much lower than that of A. coccinelliformis.
- 1990-08-25
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