テントウノミハムシ Argopistes biplagiatus MOTSCHULSKY の千葉県における加害様相と発生経過
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In recent years, injury by the fleabeetle Argopistes coccinelliformis CSIKI on some ornamental Oleaceae trees became conspicuous in the southern Kanto region. In the process of studying its life history, I noticed that a closely related species, A. biplagiatus MOTSCHULSKY, had also infested primarily deciduous species of Oleaceae. I therefore also investigated the feeding habits and sea-sonal development of A. biplagiatus in Chiba Prefecture to determine the ecological differences of these 2 fieabeetle species. Overwintered adults mated and deposited eggs in early spring. Leaf-mining larvae developed in new leaves. They spent 3 instar stages on the plant and became pupae in the soil in late spring. New adults emerged in early summer. They mainly fed on mature leaves, and stayed on trees until late autumn. The univoltine life cycle of this species, harmonizing well with the phenological aspects of their host trees, was similar to that of A. coccinelliformis. Some important differences were observed. These were : 1) A. biplagiatus preferred deciduous host species to evergreens; 2) mating of A. coccineliformis occurred after hibernation, whereas that of A. bipla-giatus occurred both before and after hibernation; 3) eggs and/or larvae of A. coccinelliformis were present throughout the seasons except in winter, but those of A. biplagiatus were observed only in spring ; and 4) the developmental range of new leaves which adults oviposited in and larvae could develop in was wider in A. biplagiatus than in A. coccinelliformis.
- 1990-05-25
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