英国民衆文化の形成における教育とメディアの役割についての考察 : フットボールの大衆化を事例として
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It might be said that we usually take various "norms" which control our ordinary life for granted, and do not think about the reason why we accept those "norms" without any hesitation. However if there would be a cultural process that make us play some roles of "one class", "one ethnic", "one gender" and so on, we should focus on our ordinary lives themselves. Accordingly if we study the elements of our popular culture such as mass media, sport, dance and fashion, we could know how the norms which control our lives are constituted in the cultural process. Nowadays in Japan, although the British cultural studies are very often referred as a new trend of media studies, we do not understand enough the traditional subject of cultural studies, such as the study of the quality of popular culture. So we would like to refer to such sphere of culture as festival, riot, sport, leisure etc., to which the history of politics and economics has not refered so often. Especially we focus on the sport as an important element of British popular culture and study its "social meaning". It is not too much to say that the functions of education and media are the greatest ones for the popularisation of football in Britain. In this essay, firstly we consider the meaning of sport from the viewpoint of the history of culture. Secondly we focus on what kind of social meanings the Public School imposed. Lastly focusing on the cities and football clubs of Liverpool and Glasgow, we examine the relationship between football, popular culture and identity in contemporary Britain.
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