<原著>剣道の教育的価値についての一考察 : 学校教育における剣道の位置づけと今後の課題
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The process used to determine the types of skills and learning to be conveyed in school education, as well as the way the skills and learning are taught, is dependent on the social and historical changes under way in any given period. If school curriculum is to be of a benefit to students in their future lives in society, education should adapt to changes of time and society. When asked the question, "Why should Kendo be taught in schools?" we first have to consider the educational properties of Kendo. After clarifying the main problems of Kendo education by explaining the structure of postwar Kendo education in schools, this study proposes a form of Kendo teaching which we believe is ideally suited for today's education.
- 東海大学の論文
- 1997-03-31
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