PEACE IN THE STRUCTURE OF UNIVERSE : A Study from the Viewpoint of Anthropological Linguistics
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Peace is strongly desired by all the peoples on the earth but who can say peace is this ? There is not so obsequious conception we can not undersatand as peace. But the word 'peace' is used everywhere and men attemp to achieve it by all possible means but in vain. Why so? When we say the word 'peace', what is meant by it? What is the peace we all want? No one gives the right or even partially satisfactory answer to these questions. So in this paper we try to find a way to approach a detinition of peace by all possible means.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1997-12-01
青井 格
青井 格
吉永 光明
木原 範恭
ロバーツ ディーヴィット・ジョン
近畿大学九州工学部 基礎科学センター
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