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We studied the relationship between intonation and function and presented the paper titled as A STUDY OF INTONATION AND FUNCTION : COMPARISON OF ENGLISH AND JAPANESE at the 22nd International Systemic Functional Congress, Peking University (July 17-22. 1995). While discussing we became interested in emotional variations caused by culture. Kawai voice Analyzing System gave us successful results concerning the study of the relationship between intonation and function but we could not get satisfying conclusion concerning the understanding of emotional variations we were interested in. Now we have begun to study emotional variations whose analysis would lead us to the real understanding of language. Using machine device controlled by computer : Electro encephalograph (NEC, 1A92), Data Recorder (TEAC, XR-50), Signal Processor (NEC. 7T18). We are going to make an experiment of visualizing the movement of human brain when people utter something and to analyze the psychological relation between cultures, American and Japanese in this case. We can assume psychological universality underlying behind language whose understanding will help us deepen mutual understanding, especially that of inside of language will surely lead us to the solution of cross-cultural problems.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1999-03-01
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