- 論文の詳細を見る
The experiment by which ice crystals were generated from the supercooled water droplets was done by seeding of the carbon powder in the cloud chamber set up in the low temperature laboratory. As a result, at about -15℃ sector and plate type crystals were obtained, and at about -5℃ column and sheath type were gotten. The one in the transitional form made a crystal was seen to ice crystals with freezing water droplets on the slide glass which gathered them. In addition, the form to look for the existence of liquid layer to the joint part of ice crystals or ice crystal and the frozen droplet was seen. It was seen that a liquid layer existed on the surface of the snow crystal, and it grew up directly from its layer. The explanation of the phenomenon of the supersaturation in the making of artificial snow crystals became possible by introducing such a liquid layer. Moreover, the one different from the habit of the snow crystal which had been said so far was seen by the experiment in these ice crystals and frozen droplets. It was that the plate type and the column type ice crystals coexisted and grew up together. It was showed that the snow crystal habit was not decided only by the temperature.
- 北海道教育大学の論文
- 2003-09-30
尾関 俊浩
油川 英明
尾関 俊浩
島村 誠
尾関 俊浩
油川 英明
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