通信の本質 : 電話を見直す
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In direct conversation, we send and recieve information, for mutural understanding with the conversation subject. To do this, we make a common cognition field, using the voice code signal defined by language, for the subject in our brain. This is "communication" and communication requires the two-way information path. Among electric communication systems, only the telephone system uses the two-way path and, from the above standpoint, the telephone system holds real communication facilities. Nowkdays, the telecommunications field is starting to use multimedia information digital signals which have equivocal and diverne meanings or include non-verbal meanings. This non-verbal information, sometimes, would drive a person mad trying to make common cognition fields in the brain because of these equivocal and diverse meanings. In this paper, the features of multimedia communication systems are studied and, using a multimedia databace, a new metioe to make a common cognition field, as in the telephone system, is proposed.
- 東海大学の論文
- 1995-03-30
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- 通信の本質 : 電話を見直す
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