運動が視覚機能に与える影響に関する研究 : 運動による負荷とERG-律動様小波の関係
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In order to study the change of ERG-oscillatory potential by a physical exercise using bicycle ergometor, the amplitudes (μV) of oscillatory potential were measured in resting state (before exercise), during 15 minutes exercise and recovery period (after exercise) of 21 minutes. The subjects were 11 healthy normal students, in aged from 20 to 22 years old. The measurement of oscillatory potential was recorded by use of a Goggle type ERG-electrode which had been devised by Y. Watanabe et al. (1976). The load intensity was expressed as subject's heart rate (beats/min.). The results obtained were as follows: 1) The mean amplitude of oscillatory potential was 107.8 μV, and the standard deviation was 17.0 μV in resting state. 2) In the reliability of amplitude of oscillatory potential in subject's oneself, the differences between maximum and minimum amplitude were from 17 μV (Sub. TO) to 46 μV (Sub. MS). This seems to depend on a variation of amplitude in normal subject's oneself as a dynamic physiological equilibrium. 3) During exercise, the amplitudes of oscillatory potential were diminished in 72.7% of subjects as compared with before exercise. But, there was no correlation between the quantity of amplitude and the heart rate. 4) After exercise, the pattern of recovery had no marked tendency. 5) In our experiment, the two subjects (YMu and TO) became in anemia at 3 and 12 minutes after exercise. In this occasion, the amplitudes of oscillatory potential decreased in 53.5% and 66.7% as compared with before exercise.
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