- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of training on aerobic work capacity and physiological eefficiency. The subjects selected for the study were 3 students and 2 sedentary men ranging between 21 and 36 years. Each subject walked upto exhaustion on the treadmill, the speed of which was kept constant at lOOm/min and grade was increased from a level by 1 % every 1 minute. The training was consisted of 12 minutes treadmill walking activity, 3 days per week, at the intensity equivalent to about 70% of individual's maximum oxygen intake. The results obtained in this study were as follows: 1) Performance (exhaustive time) was increased for all subjects, (from 14.3% to 63.6%, mean value 33.8%). This value was significant increase (P<0.01). 2) The energy cost at the submaximum work was decreased for all subjects (from 12.7% to 25.5%, mean value 15.7%). This value was significant decrease (P<0.05). The oxygen pulse was increased at the submaximum work load. 3) The maximum oxgen intake was increased (from 8.6% to 23.0%) after training. One subject who was a highly trained runner showed little improvement. In all subject, the mean value of maximum oxygen intake increased 8.8% (P<0.05).
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