農村青少年の体力に関する研究 : 第3報 僻地農村学童の栄養摂取状態について
- 論文の詳細を見る
1) As a part of survey of physical fitness of far rural children in Gifu prefecture, nutritional and statistical analysis of their food intake was performed on a total of 148 boys and girls in the Tokuyama Elementary School and Middle School, Ibi-gun, Gifu from Sep. 20 to 27, 1967. 2) The family food of those children usually comprised of rice, miso-soup and egg and was characterized by low total calorie, low protein and high lipid intake as compared to the standard food allowance for the average Japanese children, and of their total protein intake animal protein was 23-31%. The intake of vitamins and Fe was satisfactory, but that of calcium was considerably low. 3) The execution of school provision of food (perfect provision at lunch time) was served to mitigate the low intake of protein, and hence, growth of body weight of those children was retained within standard level. However, the intake of calcium remained still at low level (about 60-70% of standard allowance). 4) The pattern of amino acid of their food was characterized by low lysine, and further both tryptophane and sulfur-containing amino acid were also subnormal. The protein index of their food was at best 70-80%. 5) The major characteristics of those rural children with regard to physical fitness (underdevelopment of maximum muscular exertion and relatively well-developed endurance ability) could be accounted for, at least in part, from the view point of their nutritional situation, as well as the result of medical examinations.
- 1968-11-25
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