- 論文の詳細を見る
We examined the occupational and physical therapists'charts of residents in the facility for adults with intellectual disabilities which we have worked in as part-time occupational therapists for four years and nine months. We asked the carers to fill-out questionnaires about residents' individual occupational therapy, to help us understand the role or occupational therapists in these facilities. The results were as follows : 1) residents in their twenties and thirties occupied 70 percent of the facility and there was a tendency that younger residents had poorer social skills. 2)Though all residents could walk alone, 64 percent or them had some physical disabilities as well as intellectual disabilities. 3) In the questionnaire, the carers requested the following from the occupational therapists ; physical examinations of residents, guidance for residents' exercises, and advice for coping with problem behaviors and leisure activities. It was concluded that the role of occupational the rapists in residential facilities is threefold. They must carefully carry out and evaluate residents' physical examinations, develop daily exercise programs which are concrete and practical for the carers and help the carers learn how to address problem behaviors and adapt suitable leisure activities.
- 信州大学の論文
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