- 論文の詳細を見る
A three year and nine months girl has been referred to OT for her poor speech and difficult behaviors. She was hyperactive in the playroom, unable to follow a simple verbal instruction with poor eye-to-eye contact and unable to play with any toy. After two years and seven months of occupational therapy, she showed the following changes: 1. relationship with people: looks at the therapist with no visual avoidance and makes a physical attachment to the therapist when she is in a trouble or wants something 2. performs self-care activities appropriate for her age with occasional verbal instructions from her mother 3. is able to use two-words sentences spontaneously such as “it's finished”, “give that” 4. is able to comprehend simple verbal instructions, such as ”point your nose”, “put away the toy” 5. Shows more coordinated two bands activities such as using scissors and buttoning her dress It is hard to conclude that the above mentioned progress is the result of occupational therapy alone, but will be safe to point out that the utilization of the reinforcement techniques helped to establish the child-therapist relationship which is the base for any type of treatment. The stable relationship will help a child to comprehend the therapist with less confusion, which may, in turn, facilitate the language development of the child. As to the family education of this type of child, it is essential to give the mother practical and concrete advices in dealing with child's difficult behaviors at home.
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