- 論文の詳細を見る
This study aimed to gather the basic data for establishing reliability in the rating scale used in our school. The rating scale is divided into five basic skill areas of related academic subjects. Those are Basic OT Skill (BOTS), Activitiy Application and Teaching Skills (AATS), Activities of Daily Living Skills (ADLS), Basic Management and Administration Skills (BMAS), and Specific Technical Skills which consist of occupational therapy services for physically disabled, mental health, and developmentally disabled. The former four are composed of 30 items and the last is composed of 20 items, and each item is rated as follows : 2 pts for being able to perform with minimal supervision : 1 pt : for being able to perform with moderate supervision : 0 pt for being unable to perform with close supervision. Maximum total score for one affiliation will be 100 pts. 213 recorded score sheets for 71 students have been analyzed in terms of the total score for each affiliation, sub total score for each skill area, and the comparison of converted average score among 50 items. The findings were as follows: 1. The average total score for 71 students was 71 pts. The mental health area showed the highest average point of 77. 2. The average score for each basic skill area was the lowest in ADLS, and the highest in BOTS and BMAS. 3. The converted average score was higher than 90 pts in the items of basic work habits and attitude, working relations, and risk management. This score was lower than 60 pts in the items of evaluation and treatment skill which is specific for OT services.
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