- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to examine the interdisciplinary cooperation between special educational teachers and rehabilitation therapists (OT and PT) for children with physical and mental activity limitations in Nagano prefecture. From the results, it was concluded that : 1. There was a need to make clear the differences between educational plans of teachers and therapists. 2. Special educational teachers did not recognize the role of OT clearly. 3. Therapists were unconcerned with special education in relation to the present condition and the future prospects of the children. 4. Teachers and therapists had few exchanges of educational (medical) information regarding the care of each child. 5. Almost all respondents recognized needs of a cooperation system. 6. I will suggest two types of methods to improve the lack of understanding about special educational programs and therapies. First, there should be more exchanges concerning information of a child using reports and phone calls to each other. Second, in every case, at least some therapy should be continued with each child into adolescence.
- 信州大学の論文
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