<原著論文>CALLの学習効果 : スピーチプロトコルの分析から
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The purpose of this study was to investigate how different the effects of the CALL lesson are depending on learners, especially on their speech made just after self-learning the lesson. Our previous study (Suzuki and Fujieda, 1998) demonstrated that the CALL lesson improved the subjects' speech in terms of quantity (the number of uttered words) and quality (the number of key words used, the complexity of the sentence structure and coherence). The findings also implied that the degrees of effectiveness were different depending on the subjects' English proficient, as well as their learning strategies and preferences regarding the CALL lessons. The present study, thus, focused on how acquired knowledge with CALL was manifested in one of the oral activities, an oral summary of the story in the lesson. It was described with the concrete data obtained by the questionnaire, the comprehension tests, the analyses of the speech protocols and the learning logs of the CALL programs. The results suggested that if the exercises in the CALL lesson were appropriate for the subjects' English proficiency level, and the subjects were sufficiently familiar with the computer to use their preferred learning strategies in the program, their speech would improve qualitatively.
- 東海大学の論文
- 2000-03-30
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