- 論文の詳細を見る
We examined the prevalence of paranormal beliefs that kanashibari was a kind of the psychic phenomenon, and the extent into which the beliefs changed by the education based on scientific knowledge. One hundred and sixty university students who attended 'Biological Psychology' and 186 university students who attended 'Psychology' answered questionnaires at the 1st class and the last class. Scientific findings concerning the kanashibari phenomenon were lectured in 'Biological Psychology', and such a lecture was not done in 'Psychology'. Those who answered 'the psychic has affected kanashibari' were 57.2 0n the first investigation, Though the scientific lecture concerning kanashibari did not have the effect to reduce the 'kanashibari is psychic phenomenon' belief, that had the effect to make students recognize the necessity of scientific studies about kanashibari. As for some of students of the liberal arts, reactance was caused by auditing the scientific lecture, and their attitudes had changed into the direction where paranormal beliefs about kanashibari are reinforced.
- 1999-12-28
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