超常現象に対する肯定的信念の形成に関する研究 (1) : 個人要因の影響
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In 1990s, concerns to paranormal phenomena are mentioned to be greater among young Japanese people, which phenomena were new types of religion, supernatural powers, an afterlife, a personality stereotype by blood-typing, and ghost stories at school by comics and films. The present study aimed to investigate interests and paranormal beliefs and the effects of personal factors on the paranormal beliefs, using 321 undergraduates. Degrees of interest and belief concerning to 10 supernatural phenomena were lower than those in the previous studies. From the results of multiple regression analysis, affecting factors were different among four types of paranormal phenomena. Beliefs in existences of ghost and reincarnation and superstition were mainly affected by external attribution such as fate, fortune, and anti-scientism. On the other hand, level of anxiety affected only beliefs in existences of undefined creatures and cultures. Time perspective, however, affected none of supernatural phenomena.
- 1998-12-28
- 超常現象に対する肯定的信念の形成に関する研究 (2) : 社会・心理的要因の影響を中心に
- 超常現象に対する肯定的信念の形成に関する研究 (1) : 個人要因の影響
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- 20 他者共存が不安反応に及ぼす効果(一般演題E)
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