- 論文の詳細を見る
Both left and right sciatic nerve bundles in the bullfrog were isolated and the action potentials were recorded. The isolated nerve was mounted in the chamber filled with Ringer solution and was exposed to a strong static magnetic field (7000 gauss) for 3 to 10 hours. The action potentials became progressively smaller, when the nerve was stimulated repeatedly (200 to 500 Hz). The repetitive response pattern was somewhat altered in the nerve exposed to the magnetic field. The nerve was excited by a conditioning stimulation (single or repetitive pulses) and the recovery process after excitation was examined. A peak of recovery curve in the nerve (left nerve) exposed to the magnetic field was larger than that in the unexposed nerve (right nerve). The peak grew larger with time. Moreover, the peak was dependent on the frequencies or number of pulses of conditioning stimulation. In order to find effects of the magnetic field stimulation on the recovery process, we established a method for comparison between test nerve and control nerve. It was concluded that the threshold of the nerve excitation during recovery process was decreased by the magnetic field stimulation.
- 岐阜医療科学大学の論文
- 1990-12-01
松波 謙一
佐藤 侑子
佐藤 侑子
Gifu College of Medical Technology
佐竹 弘孝
Institute of Equilibrium Research, Gifu University, School of Medicine
松波 謙一
Institute of Equilibrium Research, Gifu University, School of Medicine
佐竹 弘孝
Institute Of Equilibrium Research Gifu University School Of Medicine
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