- 論文の詳細を見る
Fractured taste bud cells of circumvallate papillae in mouse were treated with the revised Osmium digestion method, and observed by scanning electron microscopy. Intracellular structures of three types of taste bud cells were three-dimensionally analysed. The rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum (r-ER) of type-I cells formed a complicated network, and the flattened cisternae in the close vicinity of the cytoplasmic membrane were fenestrated. The smooth-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum (s-ER) of type-II cells formed an irregular-shaped network of branching and anastomosing tubules. The swollen cisternae of s-ER which were connected with other s-ER through the small tubules, were occasionally found along the nerve terminals. Type-III (gustatory) cells were characterized by the presence of large vesicles of 110-140 nm in diameter and small vesicles of about 60 nm in diameter. These vesicles were held together by a slender strand. An aggregation of the vesicles were observed along the nerve terminals, and some vesicles were attached to the membranes of the terminals. The cytoplasm was partly loosened by treatment with a prolonged digestion, and it was observed that the nerve fibers forming the swollen terminals came in contact with the taste bud cells. The small protrusions of interdigitations were observed on the surface of the taste bud cells. Removal of the taste buds revealed the underlying basal lamina and the pores within it. These pores were circular in shape and 0.5 to 3 μm in diameter and amounting to about 10 pores per taste bud. It is suggested that the most of the pores in the basal lamina underlying the taste buds are the passage of the nerve fibers across the basal lamina.
- 北海道医療大学の論文
- 1985-06-30
- マウス味蕾細胞における,神経栄養因子のNGF, NTN,およびそれらのレセプターTrkA, GFRα2の発現(東日本歯学会第23回学術大会 一般講演抄録)
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- 基底細胞と支持細胞からなる嗅上皮について(1997年度日本味と匂学会第31回大会)
- P1-29 レーザーマイクロダイセクション法による転写因子、神経栄養因子のマウス味蕾における局在(2005年度日本味と匂学会第39回大会)
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- 32.口蓋の癒合過程における突起先端上皮細胞の組織化学的検討(一般講演)(東日本歯学会第15回学術大会(平成9年度総会))
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