- 論文の詳細を見る
Tast bud cells of mammals were classified into four types : type I, II and III cells extending from the basement membrane to the taste pore, and basal (type IV ) cells located in the basal part. Type I cells contained dense granules in the apical cytoplasm and secreted them into pores. Type II cells contained numerous vesicles, vacuoles and smooth endoplasmic reticulum throughout the cytoplasm, although their function is unknown. Type III (gustatory or receptor) cells were characterized by the presence of afferent synaptic contacts with the nerve terminals, and of large dense-cored vesicles (80-100 nm in diameter) scattered throughout the cytoplasm. Basal cells are considered to be the stem cells which differentiate into each type of cell, I, II and IIl. Fluorescence histochemistry and light microscopic autoradiography revealed that some of taste bud cells in the mouse were capable of taking up monoamine precursors (5-HTP or L-.DOPA). By electron microscopic autoradiography, it was shown that type III was the only type of taste bud cells to incorporate exogenous ^3H-5-HTP. In addition, the ultrastructural changes were observed in the type III cells after administration of 5-HTP. Small dense-cored vesicles (30-60nm) appeared throughout the cytoplasm and accumulated especially at the presynaptic membranes of afferent synapses. The electron densities of large dense-cored vesicles (80-100nm) became more dense as compared with untreated mice. The results suggest that type III cells take up monoamine precursors and convert them to monoamines. The small and large dense-cored vesicles in the type III cells are believed capable of storing and releasing monoamines which act as neurotransmitters from the gustatory cells to the nerves.
- 北海道医療大学の論文
- 1982-12-31
- マウス口蓋形成過程の組織化学的研究
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- 2. エフネル腺導管管腔と有郭乳頭溝の発達過程(東日本歯学会第18回学術大会一般講演抄録)
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- 有郭乳頭の溝とエブネル腺導管管腔形成機構
- ラット唾液腺のケラチンフィラメント
- 32.口蓋の癒合過程における突起先端上皮細胞の組織化学的検討(一般講演)(東日本歯学会第15回学術大会(平成9年度総会))
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- 23.発生初期の歯胚への神経侵入過程について(東日本学園大学歯学会第5回学術大会(昭和61年度総会))
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- 6.マウス口腔粘膜上皮の細胞骨格について(東日本学園大学歯学会第8回学術大会(平成2年度総会))
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