スポーツ選手のスポーツキャリア形成過程をめぐる日本的特徴 : 第18回ユニバーシアード競技大会参加選手の国際比較調査から
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A study was conducted to clarify the features of Japanese style sports career development in athletes using a questionnaire. The subjects were 504 athletes who participated in the 18th Universiade in 1995 at Fukuoka. In this analysis, seven countries (Japan, Canada, China, Germany, Russia, South Africa, and the U.S.A.) were compared. The main features of Japanese style sports career development were as follows: 1) With regard to socialization into sport, the social agent was invariably a school, and a school teacher (sports coach) also played a significant role. 2) Athletes began to specialize in their athletic events when at junior and senior high school. 3) The main reasons for selection of a university were the recommendation by high school teachers and recruitment from the university. 4) Coaches pay much attention to human relations, but the relationships of all athletes in each team are not closely monitored. 5) There are few athletic sponsorships and scholarships related sports. 6) Few athletes built up their character through sport. 7) Many athletes are accomodated in dormitories of sport clubs, apartments or relative's homes and sleep in their clothes when not practicing, They spend many days on training, and a considerable proportion train under their own initiative.
- 九州大学の論文
- 1998-03-16
山本 教人
Institute of Health Science, Kyushu University
松尾 哲矢
Faculty Of Sports And Health Science Fukuoka University
山本 教人
吉田 毅
Institute Of Health Science Kyushu University
山本 教人[他]
Institute of Health Science, Kyushu University
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