<原著>精神障害の最近の実態とその対策 : 精神分裂病について
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The psychiatric problems of recent years especially of schizophrenia in the students of the Kyushu University were investigated and discussed about the way of aids for them . In three year periods from 1974 to 1976, 167 students had visited the psychiatric clinics or hospitals. The diagnoses and number of these patients were as follows: 56 (33.5%) of schizophrenics, 106 (63.5%) of neurotics, two (1.2%) of depression and three (1.8%) of epileptics. There were 39 (0.37%) patients with schizophrenia in 10,629 students per a year in the three year periods. The patients of schizophrenia that had begun within two years after the admission of the college were 17 (58.6%) in 29 students with schizophrenia. There were seven in 59 students with schizophrenia, who had left the college before graduation. Five in these seven students were in the course of the college of general education. It is important that medical and psychological aids must be afforded intensively for the students in the college of general education. The students with schizophrenia who had remitted illness and had come back to the college had many psychiatric problems such as fear for recurrence, impairement of intellectual function, loneliness in the college campus and the difficulty of finding employment. The Unversity Health Center have to prepare multidimesional programs of re-adaptation for schizophrenic students.
- 九州大学の論文
- 1979-03-30
冷川 昭子
Institute Of Health Science Kyushu University
山田 裕章
Institute Of Health Science Kyushu University
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