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Therapeutic effect of a 3:1 combination of sulfamonomethoxine and ormetoprim (SMM-OMP) against edwardsiellosis was studied in two experiments with artificially infected Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. Flounder, average weight of 25.8±4.8g in experiment 1 and 38.4±7.2 g in experiment 2, were challenged by immersing for 15 min in sea water containing about 108 colony forming unit (CFU)/ml of Edwardsiella tarda NUF251. Slurry made up of ground commercial pellet feed and water containing SMM-OMP was administrated orally into the stomach of experimental fish with a plastic cathetel for 7 days in experiment 1 or 5 days in experiment 2 from the following day of challenge. Dosages of the drug containing 30 mg of SMM and 10 mg of OMP per 100 mg were 0, 25, 50,100,200 and 400 mg/kg/day in experiment 1 and 0, 12.5, 25 and 50 mg/kg/day in experiment 2. Therapeutic effect of oxytetracycline (OTC) was also studied at a dose of 50 mg/kg/day in experiment 2.As a result high therapeutic effects of SMM-OMP were achieved even at the lowest dosage (12.5 mg/kg). In experiment 1, however, the fish at higher dosages were died more than those at lower dosages. Such fish did not show the disease signs of edwardsiellosis, and also E. tarda was not reisolated from the fish. From the results such deaths may be due to a harmful effect of the drug. OTC was proved to be ineffective though E. tarda NUF251 was sensitive to OTC in vitro.
- ヒラメから分離された Streptococcus parauberis の薬剤耐性
- Edwardsiella tarda の赤血球凝集能に関与する線毛遺伝子群の同定
- 細菌感染に伴うヒラメのCu,Zn-SOD活性の変化
- ヒラメの主要な病原菌の人為感染系におけるCu, Zn-SOD活性の変化について
- 病魚由来 Streptococcus iniae の血清学的性状
- わが国の養殖ヒラメから分離された Streptococcus parauberis の血清型
- 実験感染によるヒラメのレンサ球菌症・エドワジエラ症混合ワクチンの有効性試験
- スルファモノメトキシン・オルメトプリム合剤のヒラメエドワジエラ症に対する治療効果
- Mg-2+およびFe-2+除去倍地で培養したEdwardsiella tarda ホルマリン死菌の免疫原性
- 種苗生産過程で発生したウイルス性神経壊死症によるコチ仔・稚魚の大量死
- マダイの Edwardsiella tarda 実験感染における白血球の動態と組織病理
- 魚病原細菌Edwardsiella tardaの薬剤耐性とその伝達性
- Streptococcus iniae 莢膜欠損変異株におけるビルレンスの低下
- ヒラメ仔稚魚の摂餌は高い給餌率によって促進される
- 実験的 Streptococcus iniae 感染ヒラメの発病過程に関する免疫組織化学的検討
- ヒラメ仔稚魚の成長, 生残におよぼす給餌率の影響
- ヒラメレンサ球菌症の実験感染
- 内臓癒着を伴うマダイ仔魚の大量死の病理
- タイ類由来非定型 Edwardsiella tarda の血清学的性状
- ヒラメ養殖場におけるEdwardsiella tardaの分布