- 論文の詳細を見る
It is well known that the Kalman-Bucy filtering algorithm is most appropriate for estimating the latest state of the system by real time data processing with a digital computor. It becomes the optimum estimation in the sense that it gives the minimum variance and most likelihood estimator on the following conditions: The system and observation mechanism is represented by linear equations. The corresponding noise follows the normal distribution whose parameters are known beforehand, and used properly in the estimation. As a matter of course, this can be applied to trajectory estimation of the space vehicle with slight modification, and validity of the method for such purposes has been widely assured. Therefore, in order to estimate the most probable powered flight trajectories of sounding rockets launched at KSC from all the available imformation about the system state, Kalman filters are applied and formulated with necessary approximations and modifications. The system is linearized by applying the purturbation around the nominal trajectory and nine state variables are selected taking the properties of the system and quality of the available data into considerations. This filter was used to evaluate the newly adopted attitude reference system of L-4SC-3 rocket launched in September, 1974. The results are shown in this paper and they correspond well with that of telemetry data or a priori information about the system. If these telemetry data about the attitude or accerelation of the vehicle are provided instantaneously at the launching site in addition to the tracking radar data, the same filter can be applied to the real time trajectory estimation. As this filter also can be effectively utilized for off-1ine parameter estimation with iterative computation, we are now extending it to the optimum smoother.
- KSCロケット飛翔支援用計算機システム
- KalmanフィルタによるL-4SC-3号機の推力飛しょう中のパラメータ推定について
- 電波誘導方式(II)
- M-4Sの飛しょう保安
- M-3H型ロケットの電波誘導
- レーダによるM-4S型ロケットの追尾結果
- M-3C-1, 2号機における電波誘導プログラムの実績及び今後の誘導手順
- 電波誘導のデータ処理方式
- M-4Sの軌道追跡
- 電波誘導方式(I)
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- M-3Hロケットの制御
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- L-4T-1,L-4S-4,5号機における姿勢制御
- M-3Cロケットの制御
- カルマン・フィルター適用上の問題点(カルマン・フィルター)
- レーダによるL-4T-1,L-4S-4号機の追跡結果
- オンライン軌道推定におけるKalman Filterの応用について
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