<研究論文>少年剣道指導に関する調査研究 : 私設道場での剣道指導 (体育学部創設10周年記念)
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KENDO is significant in that it applies to all age groups, from children onwards. KENDO has recently been becoming popular among young people. They take lessons at private "DOJO". A survey was made how young people received KENDO instruction at private DOJO all over Japan. The results of a survey are as follows : 1. KENDO is considered as the traditional martial art of "BUDO" in most DOJO. The purpose is not only mastering the skill, but deriving spiritual and psychological improvement thru the training. 2. The effect of KENDO on the health is of young people regulated at DOJO by taking into consideration their physical strength and natural ability, and by deciding on the appropriate period for practice accordingly. Accidents during lessons are prevented by regularly checking the KENDO equipment and safety of the floor surface. Moreover, it is necessary to ensure the children's safety traffic when travelling between the DOJO and their homes. 3. The students' views of KENDO were not consistent. The survey found that below half of the students enjoyed KENDO, and that some students practiced it at their parents' request. 4. The survey reported that, regarding KENDO for girls, was not necessary to place boys and girls in separate categories. At the pre-teenage stage there is not much disparity in strength or ability at KENDO.
- 東海大学の論文
網代 忠宏
網代 忠宏
橋本 明雄
橋本 明雄
青山 義博
横山 剛
橋本 明雄
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