一般教養科目の体育実技に関する意識調査 : 剣道の場合
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For expecting to get more improvement in Kendo class of physical education which is taken by general students at department of culture subject, we threw an inquisition over to the students to find how they generaly feel about the Kendo class. In resort, we have found things as follows : (1) Some of the students have experience with Kendo through their time in secondary school, high school or private clubs in the past. (2) More than half of the students (whether they have experienced or not) feel enjoyment in the class. (3) Most of the reason for that are following : A) Physicaly…being able to feel about refreshness after movement. B) Mentally…being able to learn about concemtration and strain through it. (4) The majority of the students answered that they would continue to take Kendo if they will have opportunity in the future. With these answers above, we are confident that Kendo is a good subject in physical education program. There maybe a little difficuly for those students who are non experience with Kendo. However, there will be a good progress in this program and we surely have to keep a good quality of facility and equipments.
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