- 論文の詳細を見る
During routine dissection, several variations of the temporal muscle with additional fascicles were found. These fascicles arose from the inferior region of the temporal fossa (from the sphenoid bone to the zygomatic bone), descended through the space between the maxillary artery and the temporal wall (in some cases, the artery perforated the fascicle) and attached to the inner surface of the muscular process or to the buccinator muscle's origin. The origin of these variations was examined by using human fetus. In addition to the anterior two muscle bundles reported as zygomaticomandibular muscle by Yoshikawa (1974) and Tanuma (1978), a fascicle was separated from the lower part of the deep temporal muscle. Most of the fibers of this fascicle attached to the inner surface of the muscular process by fibrous attachment deepest but a part of the fibers which consisted of the anterior part of this fascicle, joined to the tendon of the deep temporal muscle. These results strongly suggest that the deep fascicle in the fetus as well as the anterior two bundles may be important as the origin of the variations of the temporal muscle frequently found in the adult.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1979-06-25
岩本 壮太郎
小西 正良
小西 正良
岩本 壮太郎
小西 正良
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