『ハイピーリオンの没落』への道程 : キーツにおける詩人の成長と現実への覚醒
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As his early sonnets tell us, Keats' career as a poet begins with an escapist from the actual world to the sensuous world of beauty. But his intellectual mind gradually begins to look for the nobler life in the real world. He is deeply impressed by the fact that there is "an eternal fierce destruction" such as "every maw/The greater on the less feeds evemore, " even in the beautiful natural world where he used to escape to. He recognizes the actual and real world is full of miseries and finds the importance of "the complete disinterestedness of Mind" that eases the misery of the world. The new idea of his is the main theme of his second Hyperion. Though he could not finish the poem, we can find there his new attitude toward the real world. Keats' development as a poet is so clearly in his Fall of Hyperion that we can say his second Hyperion is, in a sense, his brief summary of his own life as a poet.
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