ウェールズ再発見(その5) : トマス・ペナントと『ウェールズ旅行記』
- 論文の詳細を見る
Thomas Pennant was a naturalist, antiquarian, zoologist and travel writer in the eighteenth century. As a zoologist, he published British Zoology and this book made him a fellow of the Royal Society. His interest in zoology and botany brought him to Scotland and he wrote A Tour in Scotland and Voyage to The Hebrides which Dr. Samuel Johnson praised highly in spite of Dr Percy's bitter objection to the book. This book was the beginning of Thomas Pennant's career as a travel writer. A Tour in Wales was one of the most popular and important guidebooks of his time. In the book, he depicted the natural beauty of Wales, Welsh culture, the ancient ways of Welsh life, and the early stages of the industrial revolution in Wales. One of the most influential things Pennant did in his book was the re-evaluation of Owain Glyn Dwr. Pennant created a new image of Owain as a national hero who fought England for Welsh independence.
- 愛知工業大学の論文
- 2003-03-31
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