<論文>人間を直接把持する救助ロボットシステムに関する基礎的研究 (電子情報学部設立記念号)
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In situations such as fire sites, the required functions of rescue robot are to search for sufferer, to remove obstacles, to grasp a part of body of sufferer and to transfer to a safe place. This paper describes the robot for the direct handling of sufferer. The rescue procedure is, firstly to measure the conditions of sufferer, secondly to grip a part of the body or clothes, finally to raise up the sufferer to get on a transporter. For realizing the rescue work, the system is generally composed of the two arms with more than five-degree-of-freedom, the hand with two fingers which is composed of two joints. Specially, the robot hand which is equipped with the distributed tactile sensor, the force/torque sensor and slip sensor are used to the adaptable and safe rescue tasks. The system is experimentally made and tested for fundamental rescue task. By using multi-sensor processing and control system, this rescue robot system can make rescue work without giving any harm to the sufferer.
- 東海大学の論文
- 2002-03-31
増田 良介
増田 良介
増田 良介
東海大学 情報理工学部 コンピュータ応用工学科
増田 良介
金 大煕
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